Friday, May 8, 2015

The Greatest Story Never Told

You ever wonder what makes watching movies a very big part of our lives? Why do we constantly wait for the sequel of a favorite movie or even that promised summer blockbuster that is sure to pack the theaters when it does come around? There is a fundamental truth in our connection with movies. Let's digress a little on this.

Movies offer an alternate reality for us, a form of escapism where we simply immerse ourselves in, carried by the plot, into that world portrayed on the screen. A moment of respite from a harsh, often too unforgiving world , is afforded to us. If you ask anybody who goes to the movies why they continually do so they will simply say its because movies offer a sense of adventure, a brief connection to something larger than their ordinary  lives, a way to dream.

Good movies are good storytelling. It really doesn't matter what your preferences are in terms of genre or even actors, for that matter. It all boils down to how long can you be taken for the ride towards a make-believe world and feel as though you were indeed a part of it, even for just a brief period in time. Some movies have a special connection to some people in that they can relate to them. Perhaps a big part of what has happened in their lives or even an experience they had are portrayed on screen.

Yes we can argue that movies offer a form of escapism, a form of entertainment, or even a form of  relaxation. What we don't often realize, however, is the "Why". It all comes down to this simple premise- we always dream to be more. Think about that little statement for a minute," We always dream to be more". A good playwright can create a story so real, so exhilarating, so uplifting, or even so silly, it really doesn't matter. As long as you can relate to it, the movie is successful. You see, movies portray a reflection. They portray our inherent desires, aspirations, and even fears.

To step back and have your dreams relived in front of you and see how a struggle between two opposing forces culminate to self realization and finally, victory and self discovery of a higher, more enlightened state is perhaps the reason and only reason why we come to the movies. A reflection indeed. But what does this tell us about ourselves? We want a life that is anything but ordinary but we want to be in control. We want adventure, we want to take risks that are potentially dangerous but the rewards would be even more fulfilling. We want to be always victorious in a struggle. We want all these things but we fail to realize the one truth behind all this--your life is so much more than any movie can portray. Your dreams are so much more than any struggle.

The greatest story never told isn't that of your ideal movie. It is that of your own life. If you want to tell your life story and make it anything but ordinary then make changes in your life that will do justice to your idealism. Small changes, small increments, small acts, and an open mind goes a long way. Remember that if your life was a movie you will only get to see it played once so its up to you to make your daily living worth remembering. So, as I have done on my older posts, some guidelines.

The First thing you need to do is increase your sense of awareness. You do this by slowing your life down a bit. Listening more and being more attentive offers you a wider perspective of things rather than just simply living through them. By being more aware you get a better sense of what areas of your life needs work. Is it the way you relate to people, a connection problem, perhaps, or is it a confidence problem? Anything that may have eluded you before will be brought forth to the light for scrutiny.

The Second thing you need to do is you have to ask yourself if you are willing to commit. You need to change and this requires a commitment on your part. It is often hard to commit to life changes if we are having a harder time on Acceptance. Accept that there are some things you need to change about yourself and committing is as easy as giving in.

The Third and perhaps the most overlooked aspect towards making changes in our lives is that we often relate to change as a struggle. We think that it is better to sit and do nothing than doing something and end up getting hurt in the process. We confine ourselves into walls we wrongfully label as our comfort zones. Change is not the struggle, our fear to change is THE struggle. Our fears hold us back and cripple us to be more. How many times have you wished that you can do something about your own life and make it better for yourself and the ones you love and yet are unable to move. There you are waiting for a sign, any sign that its ok to forge ahead and at least try.

The Fourth and perhaps most important step towards lasting change is learning to overcome your fear. Fear, you see has a duality to it that you are not aware of. It can cripple us by hindering us completely or it can strengthen us and solidify our resolve. Realize one thing, and that is its ok to be afraid. Everyone is afraid. Everyone is a yella-bellied chicken at one point in their lives. See fear in a different light. Let it make you more cautious, use it as tool to make you do calculated risks in your decision making, but never let it stop you from becoming more.

The Fifth and last step is you have to learn to be happier. A lot of people will tell you that they are content with their life and that is ok. Realize, however, that contentment and happiness, although the same in some aspects are two different ballparks altogether. True happiness doesn't come with being content alone. It also comes with  having Faith. Faith in a greater power than yourself, faith in what you are capable of achieving and reaching, faith in the people you love, and faith in Life.

So you see, The Greatest Story Never Told is you going through the "Five Steps to a Greater You", outlined by yours truly above. Oh, and if you want a quick recap of all that, well, here it is:

1. Increase your Awareness Level
2. Commitment and Acceptance
3. Realizing your Fears
4. Dealing with your Fears
5. Seek Happiness

So there you have it. Go and watch a good movie, sit back and relax, get a bucket of popcorn (hold the butter, of course), then go out and think about what I just said. Once again, thanks for dropping by. Will see you again on m next post. JowelMD signing off but not signing out.

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