Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fat Loss Factors You Need To Know

Weight loss solutions have been perhaps one of the biggest, if not the biggest, focus of any pharmaceutical company out there and primarily because of the huge demand for weight loss products which can run the gamut from diet pills, weight loss drinks, herbal teas, and pretty much anything and everything in between. The amount of products available for the consumer is unbelievably astronomical and yet people still jump on any new fad, online weight loss programs, exercise dvd's, pills, and exercise equipment with the sole hope of shedding those unwanted pounds.

Let's be honest with ourselves, who doesn't want to look good wearing clothes several sizes or inches smaller than what they normally wear. I can tell you pretty much everything that is health related in losing weight but what concerns most of us the most is how we look and how we feel after losing all that flab. The truth of the matter, however, is that there is a vast majority of you out there who do not really understand how your body utilize and store fat. Furthermore, fat is essential in the metabolic processes that run our bodies. To even add further to that simple truth is that adipose cells or adipocytes have key physiologic roles that our bodies can't do without.

So when you see a bodybuilder claiming to have only 1% or 2% body fat you have to think if that is even healthy. And by the way, measuring body fat with calipers is not the most accurate way to measure fat. The adipose under your skin is not the only place your body stores fat.  Fat can be stored in the omentum, the liver, the renal fat pads, and even in your long bones, among others. So what do we really need to know about fat loss? So before you engage in any quick weight loss tips or rapid weight loss diets some groundwork needs to be covered first.

Firstly, our body breaks down food into three basic building blocks or macronutrients; complex carbohydrates, fats in the form of lipids and triglycerides, and proteins. These macronutrients will be broken down even further into metabolites which our bodies will utilize to replenish our cells, to power our daily activities, to maintain our physiologic processes. The rule of thumb is whatever your body does not burn or use up gets stored. Stored energy is packaged in the form of fat handled by your adipose cells. So from this key knowledge we can deduce the first fat loss factor tip. Since most of what we eat comes from food groups high in complex carbohydrates, sugars, and fats, simply altering the ratio or percentage of food we consume from those food groups greatly affects the way our body's ability to utilize food nutrients. 

Secondly, how we eat and how much of what we eat should depend on the amount of work or activity that we do. Unfortunately, that is not the case since a great percentage of us are obese. In other words, we consume more than what is necessary. So the second key knowledge we have to realize in our quest for weight loss is how we understand what appetite and satiety really means. In essence, these two are medical terms which essentially cover how our body responds to hunger and how it responds to having been satiated. So here is the second fat loss factor tip;  we can control our appetite by eating frequently but in small increments. It is when we do not eat for long periods that we tend to eat more than what we really need. Satiety can be had by eating more of foods that are essentially low calorie and drinking more fluids. You see, stretch receptors found in the stomach tell our bodies that it already has it's fill hence we feel full. The fuller you feel the lesser you eat.

The third topic we need to cover deals with activity in the form of work or exercise and inactivity. What I am essentially getting at is metabolism. Metabolism, as many of you may not know, is controlled by many factors such as hormones ( or imbalance of hormones), diseases ( whether acquired or congenital in nature), and age ( as we get older our metabolism goes down). For or purposes, however, let us assume that metabolism is governed by the amount or lack of activity that we do. So here is the third fat loss factor tip; always be in constant motion. Always keep moving. You don't have to run or spend 2 hours in the gym everyday. You can do little things like take the stairs instead of the elevator, do more house chores, clean out that yard , etc. The fact that you are always about prevents your metabolism from slowing down and resetting itself. Remember this key knowledge, it is your metabolism which makes you fat!! It dictates when your body will start storing fat instead of utilizing it. Remember also that protein and carbohydrates that are unused are still stored as fat.

Lastly, there are other key points we need covering but will have to reserve them for future posts. Issues like mindset, emotional control, and others need to be covered in greater detail not just in passing. So until next time, do come back. JowelMD signing off but not signing out.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to (not) lose 10 pounds in 10 days.

Losing weight is never easy. If you go to the internet and try to look for weight loss programs or diets you will be astounded by how much material is actually out there. I guess you'd have to ask yourself if it really works and those testimonials can come in handy. Well, the whole objective of losing weight, at least for most people, is to lose as much as possible in as little time as possible. The whole notion of an exercise program is simply to adjust the body's ability to take up food and burn it for energy. Our Metabolic Rate is entirely dependent on how much ( or how little ) activity we do. Exercising enables us to burn our body's fuel reserves because it allows our body to metabolize these fuels faster. As we exercise our body uses up these metabolic fuels and gives off heat. We perspire in order to help our body cool down from heat produced by metabolism.

How much fat can we actually burn? Well, our body has its own preference on which fuel to utilize first. Carbohydrates get used up first but so does protein when carbohydrates start to dwindle. Our body will use protein over fat because our metabolic pathways are not always 2 way streets. By that I mean we can't always convert a fuel source to another without having to convert it to something else first. We do burn the fat, mind you, but not in the way we thought we are going to burn it.

You also have to remember that we are made of 70% water. If we were going to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, it is very possible but at the cost of depriving ourselves of adequate hydration (water). It's not only unsafe but can be life-threatening as well. Dehydration can kill,folks. Remember that we can survive a month without food but we can't survive a week without water. So can we lose 10 pounds in 10 days? No, not safely. The best way to lose weight as I have alluded to in one of my previous posts is to slowly train our minds in registering stimuli from our favorite foods. We need to be more conscious of What we eat as well as HOW MUCH we eat. We also need to be aware of how our body adjusts to the type of exercises we do as well as their intensity. Remember that there is no specific exercise program for anyone. Your instructor may tailor a program for you in terms of what your goals are but the truth is there is no better teacher than your own body. Take things in moderation. Don't starve yourself just because you felt guilty. The hunger pang will be so much more that you'd end up eating more and more.

Here's a tip for you; before you try to lose weight cleanse your body first. Water cleansing is effective but can only clean you so far. Cleansing tea is also an alternative, if you can stand the taste. The purpose of cleansing is to prime our bodies to the changes in our eating habits that we will be implementing. Removal of wastes and toxins can also improve our absorption of nutrients. Here's another tip; fiber adds bulk and, therefore, satiety. It also helps in "sponging up" some of the fats in our diets before they get absorbed. So use more of fiber and be intimate with your favorite chair once again.

Consult your physician before attempting to undergo any exercise program. Learn the nutritional value of the foods you eat. Learn to eat to sustain your body of what it needs. Natural foods are best. Until our next post,folks. Do take care and thank you for your time.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The 4 Step Weight Loss No Dieting plan

Why do most of us have a hard time losing weight and when we do lose weight, keeping those unwanted pounds off? We lose a pound or two then gain double or triple that amount. A lot of dieters aren't successful with their weight loss program because they fail to address two very important principle towards dieting; they don't understand their body's needs and coping mechanisms, and they don't understand the psychology involved in weight loss programs. First let's talk of these basic principles and from these we can explain further how to lose weight in 4 steps without adhering to a strict and often bland and unappetizing diet.

Our bodies must eat. No going around over that one. We must eat to survive. How we eat, however, plays a big part on why most of us are overweight and at risk for other health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer to name a few. The food that we eat is burned in our bodies as calories. Each morsel of food is broken down into its most basic structure as it is digested. These building blocks are what replenishes our cells, gives our systems energy to function and be maintained properly. The way by which we burn and use the calories that comes with our favorite foods is called metabolism. The principle is really very simple. If you eat more, then you need to burn more. Otherwise those extra calories will be deposited as FAT and you'll have to watch those love handles grow. How then do we increase our body's metabolism? We increase our metabolism or metabolic rate by doing work. In this case, its called exercise. When people think of exercise they immediately associate it with numerous laps around the track, several hours in the gym, or even in aerobics. While that may be true remember that exercise is a form of work your body does to increase its metabolic rate and consequently increasing calorie burning.

I want you to see exercise in a whole different platform. When you do work around the house do a little more at a time, call that exercise, and consider your morning routine done. When you walk to your favorite convenient store 2 blocks down instead of hopping in the SUV, call that exercise, and consider your 15 minute daily cardio workout done. Do you see what I am getting at? It's all about perspective. Whenever you do physical work and break a sweat, feel your pulse. If it's considerably or even just slightly faster than if you were just standing still then your heart is pumping faster and your metabolic demand is up. When you do exercise per se or even chores around the house or in the yard, do so in moderation. When you feel more comfortable and as your body has adjusted to the metabolic demand then increase the rate and intensity of your exercise but only do so increments at a time. Most people burn themselves out exercising because they want to do too much in as little time as possible. This is not how your body works, folks. Pace yourself and hydrate yourselves (drink fluids) frequently as you exercise. See exercising in a different light. think of it as not just something you need to do to lose all those unwanted pounds. Think of it as something you must do to improve upon the quality of your life. Any physical work can be called exercise. Any brisk physical work such as the walking to the convenient store i mentioned above can be called a form of cardiovascular exercise. Remember that your heart is in fact a muscle too, and like all our muscles, it needs a workout every now and then. Also, consider that 3 to 5 mild exercise routines is often more beneficial than 1 intense one. You need to understand that quality over quantity and vice versa must be addressed since intense bursts work toward muscle mass and sustained routines work towards cardiovascular and fat burning purposes. So...

Step 1: See exercising in a different light.

Do you know why diets don't work either. Think about it. You are depriving yourself with essential building blocks and you load your body with fibers which is good mind you when you want to clean out your system and prevent colon cancer, but no so good when you are going through a weight loss exercise regiment. What I am trying to allude to is that PROPER FOOD SELECTION is key in any weight loss program. Talk to your dietician or nutritionist about what your daily intake should be and from what food groups should you focus on or avoid altogether. Remember that as you exercise your body's demand for replenishment increases as well. Talk to your primary physician abut what exercise programs should you consider if you have diabetes or heart disease. My belief in this is some movement is better than no movement.

It won't help you either if after a 2 mile jog you venture on to your favorite burger joint for a double cheeseburger with a side order of fries, and a milkshake even. You see my point? People reward themselves and the first thing they think of when they reward themselves especially after a grueling work out is you guessed it-FOOD! So...

Step 2: Eat what you want, when you want, BUT IN MODERATION.

This is important. You avoid splurging yourself and what's the first thing you do when you cheat on your diet- YOU FEEL GUILTY. Eating in small frequent amounts eliminates the guilt associated with diets.So take a bite or two of that slice of chocolate cake but don't eat the whole slice.

A weight loss program isn't just a new diet being implemented in your life. It's not just about rediscovering your love for tofu or bean sprouts (who loves those?) either. It takes careful planning, setting realistic goals, and constant support from your loved ones or friends. Don't set a goal as lofty as losing 25 pounds in a months time. I don't think nobody is capable of that or want to do that even if they could. Set realistic goals. For example, this week you will cut back on your favorite soft drink and walk more often. Remember that your ultimate goal is long term changes. Changes that will be permanent. So..

Step 3: Plan your weight loss program accordingly. Be realistic.

Lastly, the most important factor is about attitude. It's all about attitude, folks. A good positive attitude will prepare you for the right mindset. Here's a simple boost;think of associations. When you think of that chocolate cake on the table I know it's rich, moist, and so uhhmmm uhhmm good. But think about this for a minute. Which do you think is better, you having eaten that piece of cake or you finally fitting in your favorite blouse again in 2 weeks just in time for your high school reunion? Train your mind to focus and be aware of your actions as well as the consequences. Divert your thoughts elsewhere should you be tempted and if all else fails splurge on a low calorie type food. Remember, just because you fail on occasion doesn't mean you are hopeless. It takes time. It's ok to give in to temptation once in a while, just be prepared to work doubly hard for it. So...

Step 4: Have the right mindset.

Don't punish yourself. Don't push yourself beyond what you are capable of. It's better to save some of that energy and strength so you can exercise again tomorrow instead of having to miss it because you were oh so tired and you ached all over. Losing weight is not easy. It never was. With temptations abound and the dedication needed to maintain a weight loss program, most people often give up after a few weeks, waiting for the next better fad diet to come along. I don't have to tell you the frustration, stress, and depression associated with being obese, not to mention having a low self esteem. But all that can change. You'd have to want it because no one will do it for you. Pat yourself in the back for small progresses. You can't do it overnight. Don't ever sell yourself short and never stop believing. Someday even you will be surprised of yourself and you'll say, "Hey, I did it. I really made it after all."

So until our next post. Love one another and never give up on your dreams. Believe and Achieve. Take care guys....