Monday, August 1, 2016

The TOP 7 REASONS Why You NEED to be JUICING MORE than you should!!!

Juicing has been a household term far and wide. You can buy different types of juicers and even search for juicing recipes to supplement your healthy, well-rounded diet. We will focus on a variant of juicing which incorporates dark green leafy vegetables as a basic ingredient.

Drinking green juice has been widely accepted as an effective weight loss supplement as well as for body detox or body cleanse purposes. The health benefits of green juice, however, goes beyond delicious green juice recipes or what most articles you read about describes. The truth is, not all green juices are the same. As can be expected, what you get out of the potent nutrient-packed drink depends on what you put in.

You can find many different types of green juice recipes but bear in mind that each variation serves a different purpose. Drinking green juice offers the following benefits:

1. Aids in Weight Loss
2. Boosts Immunity and Increases Disease Prevention
3. Revitalizes your Energy
4. Detoxifies your body naturally
5. Promotes digestive health
6. Has Anti-cancer properties
7. Promotes beautiful glowing skin

How does drinking Green Juice help in weight Loss?

Drinking green juice twice a day everyday offers a multitude of benefits towards weight loss. It resets how your body utilizes available nutrients for your daily activities.Drinking green juice on an empty stomach allows complete absorption of all the vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal cell health and turnover.

Green Juice helps your body's satiety centers by making you full early and decreasing your carbohydrate and fat intake. By providing more than your daily recommended dose of vegetables and fruits you are able to curb your appetite better. Remember though that drinking green juice should be a supplement to your well-balanced diet. Also,it's important to remember that you need to have a base number of ingredients that I like to call staple ingredients as they are always in the mix regardless whatever else you add in or remove.

For optimal weight loss, detox, and alkalinity your juice MUST have the following: lemon, ginger,cucumber, celery. More on the why later when we cover green juice recipes. Add into your greens a fruit to offset the taste. Remember that the benefit of green juicing for weight loss is not to help you directly lose unwanted pounds but rather helps "reset" your body's metabolic usage of nutrients more effectively.

How to boost Immunity with Green Juice

This is perhaps the most beneficial attribute of drinking green juice. It is jam-packed with nutrients, vitamins and trace elements which helps boost your immune response to any infection and with all those anti-oxidants, help prevent disease process too.

As a general rule, dark green leafy vegetables are what you need to incorporate more of when you are recovering from an infection or you have the flu or even the common cold. They are rich in magnesium, zinc, caroteinoids, folate, and vitamin C- all of which are needed for cellular replenishment and nourishment in times of stress and infections.

Also, trace elements found in vegetables and fruits such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and zinc among others are important co-factors in the millions of enzymes in our bodies especially enzymes needed to fight off infections or mount an immune response against an infection. By taking in these nutrients  and absorbing them directly, we are able to provide our cells vital components.

Don't forget to always include Ginger when making your Green Juice as it is a potent antioxidant, antibacterial, as well as anti-inflammatory key ingredient. Also Lemon has the ability to alkalize your body and this helps reduce stress,along with Ginger

How to Detoxify and Cleanse with Green Juice

Another important health benefit of drinking green juice is it cleanses your colon. Green juice contains chlorophyll which aids in the detoxification process by helping eliminate harmful toxins we get from the environment and even in the food we eat.

Drinking Green Juice daily helps remove unwanted toxins in our body. A juice cleanse is recommended to flush out unwanted toxins that build up in our colon. To start with,plan a time when you can do a proper colon cleanse as this will take 1-2 days preparation with hydrotherapy or water cleanse, followed by a 3 day juice cleanse, then 2 days of bowel rest and replenishment.

Remember that if you have a job that requires a huge amount of activity you may not do this as you will simply feel hungry all the time. To correct this you simply increase fruit content in your green juice to provide more sugar.If you plan to do a 7-day cleanse I would recommend including papaya or aloe vera in your juice to provide more cleansing.

You have to look for signs that will guide you in starting a juice cleanse. These are:

1. Poor dietary Habits. Too much Carbohydrates, sugar and fat-ladden foods.
2. Always having low energy.
3. Being prone to infections.
4. Always feeling fatigued and tired.
5. Always stressed out and feeling down.

Maintain a healthy well balanced diet after your Cleanse and you will feel energized and rejuvenated. Remember,however, to consult your Doctor prior to undergoing any Detox or Colon Cleanse with Green Juice.

How Green Juice promotes Digestive Health

Drinking Green Juice regularly helps maintain digestive health via 3 ways. The first and indirect method by which green juice improves digestive health is by reducing our levels of stress. As we all know, stress, aside from bad dietary habits is one of the leading cause for indigestion. The Lemon and Ginger in your Green Juice helps lower gastric acidity which can cause heartburn and allows for better digestion of food.
Secondly, when you detox with Green Juice you rid the body of wastes and unwanted toxins making absorption of nutrients and minerals better. Green Juice  helps in removing toxins from the blood for better nutrient exchange in the cells. When your body is replenished on a cellular level you feel rejuvenated and alive, sometimes referred to as the "kick" when drinking green juice.

Thirdly, drinking Green Juice keeps all of your Digestive and Metabolic enzymes happy.
Apart from maintaining Digestive Health it is also important to keep in mind keeping your Enzymes healthy. Juicing is a direct way to replenish your enzymes by providing necessary co-factors for proper enzymatic functions.

There are many recipes for improving digestion and help with healthy digestion and absorption of the foods we eat. You can mix and match to suit your taste and therein lies the beauty of juicing as the more adept you become in combining ingredients the more appreciative you become in terms of their nutritional contributions.

The Anti-Cancer Benefits of Green Juice

Juicing has a lot of benefits when it comes to Cancer prevention. First, Green Juice is packed with antioxidants to fight toxic free radical damage in our cells which can promote cancer. Secondly, drinking Green Juice on a regular basis helps boost our Immunity to help fight off Cancer. Also, because of the detoxification properties offered by juicing we can rid of the harmful toxins in our bodies which act as harmful carcinogens.

There are many types of cancers that attack different age groups. Some are caused by the lifestyle we lead, some are caused by environmental hazards, and some may even be inherited by way of genetic predisposition. It is important to take note of any family history of cancer and being mindful of the recommended procedures to screen for cancer when you reach a certain age group. Going back to raw foods and juicing allows for a lifestyle change that decreases risk for cancers. If you are 35 years old and above, Include garlic in your juices and diets.

How Green Juice promotes Beautiful, Radiant, and Glowing Skin 

You don't get beautiful skin by what you put on but what you put into your body. Simply put, radiant, glowing skin is a reflection of proper hydration but more importantly, proper nutrition. By drinking Green Juice daily you do wonders for your skin and you will start to notice that glow you've only dreamt of before juicing.

Drinking Green Juice removes unwanted toxins from your body which impedes nutritional uptake of your skin cells. Also, by detoxifying with green juice, you make readily available all the nutrients and minerals for healthy cell growth.

Also, the potent antioxidant properties of Green Juice helps reverse the cellular damage brought about by stress and poor nutrition and therefore helps in slowing down aging and wrinkles.

Another benefit of drinkng Green Juice is it keeps your blood vessels and lymphatic channels healthy which aids in properly hydrating your skin and for optimal nutrient exchange and waste removal.

So, what's in Your Green Juice?

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Greatest Story Never Told

You ever wonder what makes watching movies a very big part of our lives? Why do we constantly wait for the sequel of a favorite movie or even that promised summer blockbuster that is sure to pack the theaters when it does come around? There is a fundamental truth in our connection with movies. Let's digress a little on this.

Movies offer an alternate reality for us, a form of escapism where we simply immerse ourselves in, carried by the plot, into that world portrayed on the screen. A moment of respite from a harsh, often too unforgiving world , is afforded to us. If you ask anybody who goes to the movies why they continually do so they will simply say its because movies offer a sense of adventure, a brief connection to something larger than their ordinary  lives, a way to dream.

Good movies are good storytelling. It really doesn't matter what your preferences are in terms of genre or even actors, for that matter. It all boils down to how long can you be taken for the ride towards a make-believe world and feel as though you were indeed a part of it, even for just a brief period in time. Some movies have a special connection to some people in that they can relate to them. Perhaps a big part of what has happened in their lives or even an experience they had are portrayed on screen.

Yes we can argue that movies offer a form of escapism, a form of entertainment, or even a form of  relaxation. What we don't often realize, however, is the "Why". It all comes down to this simple premise- we always dream to be more. Think about that little statement for a minute," We always dream to be more". A good playwright can create a story so real, so exhilarating, so uplifting, or even so silly, it really doesn't matter. As long as you can relate to it, the movie is successful. You see, movies portray a reflection. They portray our inherent desires, aspirations, and even fears.

To step back and have your dreams relived in front of you and see how a struggle between two opposing forces culminate to self realization and finally, victory and self discovery of a higher, more enlightened state is perhaps the reason and only reason why we come to the movies. A reflection indeed. But what does this tell us about ourselves? We want a life that is anything but ordinary but we want to be in control. We want adventure, we want to take risks that are potentially dangerous but the rewards would be even more fulfilling. We want to be always victorious in a struggle. We want all these things but we fail to realize the one truth behind all this--your life is so much more than any movie can portray. Your dreams are so much more than any struggle.

The greatest story never told isn't that of your ideal movie. It is that of your own life. If you want to tell your life story and make it anything but ordinary then make changes in your life that will do justice to your idealism. Small changes, small increments, small acts, and an open mind goes a long way. Remember that if your life was a movie you will only get to see it played once so its up to you to make your daily living worth remembering. So, as I have done on my older posts, some guidelines.

The First thing you need to do is increase your sense of awareness. You do this by slowing your life down a bit. Listening more and being more attentive offers you a wider perspective of things rather than just simply living through them. By being more aware you get a better sense of what areas of your life needs work. Is it the way you relate to people, a connection problem, perhaps, or is it a confidence problem? Anything that may have eluded you before will be brought forth to the light for scrutiny.

The Second thing you need to do is you have to ask yourself if you are willing to commit. You need to change and this requires a commitment on your part. It is often hard to commit to life changes if we are having a harder time on Acceptance. Accept that there are some things you need to change about yourself and committing is as easy as giving in.

The Third and perhaps the most overlooked aspect towards making changes in our lives is that we often relate to change as a struggle. We think that it is better to sit and do nothing than doing something and end up getting hurt in the process. We confine ourselves into walls we wrongfully label as our comfort zones. Change is not the struggle, our fear to change is THE struggle. Our fears hold us back and cripple us to be more. How many times have you wished that you can do something about your own life and make it better for yourself and the ones you love and yet are unable to move. There you are waiting for a sign, any sign that its ok to forge ahead and at least try.

The Fourth and perhaps most important step towards lasting change is learning to overcome your fear. Fear, you see has a duality to it that you are not aware of. It can cripple us by hindering us completely or it can strengthen us and solidify our resolve. Realize one thing, and that is its ok to be afraid. Everyone is afraid. Everyone is a yella-bellied chicken at one point in their lives. See fear in a different light. Let it make you more cautious, use it as tool to make you do calculated risks in your decision making, but never let it stop you from becoming more.

The Fifth and last step is you have to learn to be happier. A lot of people will tell you that they are content with their life and that is ok. Realize, however, that contentment and happiness, although the same in some aspects are two different ballparks altogether. True happiness doesn't come with being content alone. It also comes with  having Faith. Faith in a greater power than yourself, faith in what you are capable of achieving and reaching, faith in the people you love, and faith in Life.

So you see, The Greatest Story Never Told is you going through the "Five Steps to a Greater You", outlined by yours truly above. Oh, and if you want a quick recap of all that, well, here it is:

1. Increase your Awareness Level
2. Commitment and Acceptance
3. Realizing your Fears
4. Dealing with your Fears
5. Seek Happiness

So there you have it. Go and watch a good movie, sit back and relax, get a bucket of popcorn (hold the butter, of course), then go out and think about what I just said. Once again, thanks for dropping by. Will see you again on m next post. JowelMD signing off but not signing out.