Showing posts with label New beginnings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New beginnings. Show all posts

Friday, July 30, 2010

A First Time for Everything

Hello!!! First I'd like to welcome you all to my blog and actually taking the time to read through it's content. This is a site for personal change and self discovery. This isn't another self help blog or a step by step tutorial towards lasting change. This is about a journey, actually, among other things. It is a journey we will take together towards a life that is more than we ever hoped or dreamed it to be!!
Each day we will uncover different aspects of our lives which we can enrich or make better. It isn't easy. Nothing ever worth pursuing is ever easy. It takes a little time, some commitment on your part, and acceptance. There are few things in life we can control, and those that we have control over we can change. We are all victims of circumstance only if we chose to be. Non-commitment or not doing anything are in and of themselves a choice. We will start each day with a different aspect of our lives, whether it be relationships, self worth, or even the way we see and feel about certain issues which can have profound impacts in our lives.
Like i said earlier, this is a site for personal change and self discovery, and they actually go together hand in hand. When we uncover ( or rediscover) certain truths in our lives we also discover a little something about ourselves. Remember that nothing in life is ever final. We have the capacity to do more and be more, we always have. I want you to do something for me, wherever you may be now. I want you to reflect on your life, reflect on the moment in which you are in now. Are you contented? Would it make you feel better if i changed that question around to " Are you happy?" Are there certain aspects in your life you would like to change? Perhaps about yourself or your relationship with your loved one(s) or colleagues? Well, join the club. We all can do well with a little worthwhile change.
In our subsequent posts we will learn a few habits of assessment. We will tackle what I would like to call " The First Hurdle" and the first criteria towards personal change- Acceptance. For now, let's all be thankful for our first time together. There is a first time for everything, and although it takes a leap of faith on your part, to actually begin is worth it all.