Showing posts with label self discovery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self discovery. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Seeing the World for the First Time

We often find ourselves wondering, if for no other reason than simply being, the world is really how we see it or as we hope it to be. We live in difficult and wonderful times. I say difficult because we live in a day and age where ages can pass in a day or days can feel like ages. It isn't comforting to know that we must adapt to an ever changing world day in and day out; not to mention still trying to be functional at the same time. What I am alluding to is that we live in a fast paced world where technological breakthroughs happen overnight and become obsolete the next. But let's not talk of that because we will be missing the point altogether. When we see something for the first time we stand in awe, it's almost like being born. Yet here we are in this mystery, waiting for a miracle, for something, for anything to unfold before our eyes, wanting for a change but what exactly we don't really know. Or how.

Life is full of moments, full of surprises, some painful and some joyful.How do we see the world then? In life, it's not enough to simply want something and strive for it. In all simplicity a meaning must be associated with our actions, our misgivings, our mistakes, our sadness, and our happiness. However, in our quest to find what it is that really matters to us we lose the most important person of all in the process. Ourselves. We can't see the world for the first time if we don't know what we are looking for; we don't know what we are looking for if we don't know what we want; and we don't know what we want if we don't know ourselves. So do you see where this is heading?

Life as we know it is about suffering.It's about the daily grind of living, of getting by. It's about a compromise of trying to make ends meet and trying to arrive at a middle ground for almost everything in fact. I know I may sound a little pessimistic in this intro but one can never really understand or put a value to the rare and gleeful moments in one's life without knowing pain from happiness, hurt from love. When you were in your mother's womb she had to endure the 9 months of discomfort, of postural problems, and the unease of carrying you around and finally, upon birth, the pain of labor. But look at you now. You were brought into this world held by loving arms, seeing the world through innocent eyes, and finally grown to the individual that you are now, full of potential and awareness. You are your gift to the world. Remember that always.

There is always wonderment in self-discovery. Seeing the world for the first time, as I mentioned earlier, is like being born again. The plain truth is the world is ,as you see it now, does not and will not change. In order for you to have a deeper understanding of what you see or associate with, or even feel, the journey has to and must start from within. Understand that all of us, as individuals, have our own stories to tell. We have our own versions to this thing called life and we each have special experiences and moments which essentially define how we see and perceive the world. Notice that I did not say Understand the world. Seeing and Understanding are two different matters altogether.In order for you to see the world for the first time again you would have to go back to a stage of innocence, figuratively speaking, and although this isnt an easy task by any means it starts simply by accepting this two words; LET GO. Let go of all that trouble you, let go of all that pains you, let go of all the negativity that surrounds you, and let go for your desire for worldly possessions. When you are empty you arrive to a level of awareness where every moment is absorbed and appreciated, every senseless acts of love is felt and understood, every second of your life is felt and lived at the utmost and you will feel connected and contented.

So until our next post...a safe and eventful journey to you....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Ties that Bind

On my last post I cited some key fundamental questions you should make the habit of asking every once in a while. These questions serve to uncover the direction in which your life is heading towards. A very interesting notion is that most people don't realize that no matter what walks of life we ascend from, or whatever cultural background we may have been brought up in, our essential needs are basically the same. The things that make us cry or laugh, the simple gestures which puts a smile in our face or sadness in our hearts are basically the same. What am I getting at here? My point is we aren't THAT different from each other. There are several essential ties that bind us all besides human emotions and needs. One of these is our desire to improve upon ourselves and make the quality of our lives inherently better than, say, yesterday. So you see we have it in us to forge ahead!!! We have it in us to overcome any and all obstacles ahead. More importantly we have it in us to CHANGE.
So why is it so hard for us to change some aspects of our lives like our relationships, our diets, our lifestyle, our habits, whatever? It is because CHANGE IS DIFFERENT. Most people can't empower themselves enough to commit to doing something different even though they know in their heart of hearts that it is what they must do. There are essentially two reasons why this first hurdle is the hardest to overcome and why most people never get past this first crucial step.
We will talk about each of these one at a time so we can really digress their effects on our lives. Ready? Ok......
The first reason why we are unwilling to change is because WE ARE AFRAID. There are actually many factors why we are afraid to commit ourselves towards lasting personal change but the most important of these is we are afraid to leave our comfort zones and we are afraid of failing. It is easier for most people to NOT DO ANYTHING at all, to leave things as they are, rather than take that leap of faith to change the quality of their lives. Let me give you an example....Say you are 20-30 pounds overweight. You have been trying to lose those extra pounds all these years and you may have succeeded to lose 5 or 10 but end up gaining 7 or 12 back. You kept on trying still, buying fat burning exercise machines from infomercials and like before you end up gaining back what you lost. Then the kids came, car payments, house payments, a promotion, and everything else. Then several years down the road you realize that you have RESIGNED yourself to this stately condition and every time you see a slimmer person wearing that blouse or shirt you've always wanted and known you'd look good in...if only you were slimmer.How would that make you feel? Believe me, I know how that feels because I felt miserable. Fear can be constructive because it can teach you to be cautious and wary. Use your fear constructively. Don't be afraid to take that first step and commit because you are never alone!! Take comfort in the fact that someone, somewhere in this world is in the same dilemma as you are and is also contemplating in taking that first step, and is also afraid. Remember that you have a choice. Remember also that not doing anything is in itself also a choice. If you fail get up, dust yourself off, take a deep breath, and start over...until you get it right. THAT IS LIFE.
Say to yourself, every time you fall, these empowering words;






On our next post we will cover the next reason why we are unwilling to change. For now, think about what we have covered so far and apply it in the context of your own life. We have much ground to cover still...but the road ahead is long, and today we are let us take a moment of rest. Until then...

Friday, July 30, 2010

A First Time for Everything

Hello!!! First I'd like to welcome you all to my blog and actually taking the time to read through it's content. This is a site for personal change and self discovery. This isn't another self help blog or a step by step tutorial towards lasting change. This is about a journey, actually, among other things. It is a journey we will take together towards a life that is more than we ever hoped or dreamed it to be!!
Each day we will uncover different aspects of our lives which we can enrich or make better. It isn't easy. Nothing ever worth pursuing is ever easy. It takes a little time, some commitment on your part, and acceptance. There are few things in life we can control, and those that we have control over we can change. We are all victims of circumstance only if we chose to be. Non-commitment or not doing anything are in and of themselves a choice. We will start each day with a different aspect of our lives, whether it be relationships, self worth, or even the way we see and feel about certain issues which can have profound impacts in our lives.
Like i said earlier, this is a site for personal change and self discovery, and they actually go together hand in hand. When we uncover ( or rediscover) certain truths in our lives we also discover a little something about ourselves. Remember that nothing in life is ever final. We have the capacity to do more and be more, we always have. I want you to do something for me, wherever you may be now. I want you to reflect on your life, reflect on the moment in which you are in now. Are you contented? Would it make you feel better if i changed that question around to " Are you happy?" Are there certain aspects in your life you would like to change? Perhaps about yourself or your relationship with your loved one(s) or colleagues? Well, join the club. We all can do well with a little worthwhile change.
In our subsequent posts we will learn a few habits of assessment. We will tackle what I would like to call " The First Hurdle" and the first criteria towards personal change- Acceptance. For now, let's all be thankful for our first time together. There is a first time for everything, and although it takes a leap of faith on your part, to actually begin is worth it all.