Sunday, September 12, 2010

An Urgent Message on Urgency

We have discussed in our previous post why most of us are unwilling to change. We have stated the first reason as being we are AFRAID. The second reason why we are unwilling to change is that we lack a SENSE OF URGENCY. Sometimes we have learned to desensitize ourselves to the point that we no longer recognize the untoward signs which keep flashing in front of our eyes saying to us that things aren't really where we want them to be, and we aren't really where we want ourselves to be.

How we act or react towards areas in our lives which we find to be lacking in one aspect or another depends entirely on how we evaluate the situation and how we evaluate our place in it as well as how we resolve or propose to resolve them. If there were three words you can put in the same basket they would be URGENCY, NEED, and PRIORITIES.

Every aspect of your life requires a certain level of attention, some may require more than others but they all need your attention, nevertheless. You have to start recognizing the warning signs which can unhinge the balance you strive to achieve in your life. You can't possibly cover all with mastery but you can keep everything together. Understand that you are not the only player involved but also understand that everything stems from you. The reaction and results you get depends entirely on your actions.

Remember that there are no set rules in life. We have to change with a constantly changing world. Time is not always on our side. The key to make this whole journey a little easier and less hectic can be best described by the following points below:

1. Don't worry too much about things you have very little power or no power to control.
2. Don't sweat the details.
3. Take the time to actually make your actions count.
4. Never take anyone for granted.
5. Always mean what you say and say what you mean.
6. Never lie.
7. Admit your mistakes.
8. Take your time.

Well, simple they may seem but a lot of people have a hard time trying to make these work for them.

On our next posts we will be tackling the first part of our Feel-Better-Today program, and that will be Starting With You. I feel that in order to make a blog like this work we'd have to cover and discuss all aspects of our lives which complete us and , as always, we start with ourselves. So I'll be seeing you folks next time. Be good to yourselves and be good to one another ok.....

The Ties that Bind

On my last post I cited some key fundamental questions you should make the habit of asking every once in a while. These questions serve to uncover the direction in which your life is heading towards. A very interesting notion is that most people don't realize that no matter what walks of life we ascend from, or whatever cultural background we may have been brought up in, our essential needs are basically the same. The things that make us cry or laugh, the simple gestures which puts a smile in our face or sadness in our hearts are basically the same. What am I getting at here? My point is we aren't THAT different from each other. There are several essential ties that bind us all besides human emotions and needs. One of these is our desire to improve upon ourselves and make the quality of our lives inherently better than, say, yesterday. So you see we have it in us to forge ahead!!! We have it in us to overcome any and all obstacles ahead. More importantly we have it in us to CHANGE.
So why is it so hard for us to change some aspects of our lives like our relationships, our diets, our lifestyle, our habits, whatever? It is because CHANGE IS DIFFERENT. Most people can't empower themselves enough to commit to doing something different even though they know in their heart of hearts that it is what they must do. There are essentially two reasons why this first hurdle is the hardest to overcome and why most people never get past this first crucial step.
We will talk about each of these one at a time so we can really digress their effects on our lives. Ready? Ok......
The first reason why we are unwilling to change is because WE ARE AFRAID. There are actually many factors why we are afraid to commit ourselves towards lasting personal change but the most important of these is we are afraid to leave our comfort zones and we are afraid of failing. It is easier for most people to NOT DO ANYTHING at all, to leave things as they are, rather than take that leap of faith to change the quality of their lives. Let me give you an example....Say you are 20-30 pounds overweight. You have been trying to lose those extra pounds all these years and you may have succeeded to lose 5 or 10 but end up gaining 7 or 12 back. You kept on trying still, buying fat burning exercise machines from infomercials and like before you end up gaining back what you lost. Then the kids came, car payments, house payments, a promotion, and everything else. Then several years down the road you realize that you have RESIGNED yourself to this stately condition and every time you see a slimmer person wearing that blouse or shirt you've always wanted and known you'd look good in...if only you were slimmer.How would that make you feel? Believe me, I know how that feels because I felt miserable. Fear can be constructive because it can teach you to be cautious and wary. Use your fear constructively. Don't be afraid to take that first step and commit because you are never alone!! Take comfort in the fact that someone, somewhere in this world is in the same dilemma as you are and is also contemplating in taking that first step, and is also afraid. Remember that you have a choice. Remember also that not doing anything is in itself also a choice. If you fail get up, dust yourself off, take a deep breath, and start over...until you get it right. THAT IS LIFE.
Say to yourself, every time you fall, these empowering words;






On our next post we will cover the next reason why we are unwilling to change. For now, think about what we have covered so far and apply it in the context of your own life. We have much ground to cover still...but the road ahead is long, and today we are let us take a moment of rest. Until then...