Thursday, July 14, 2011

Overcoming Low Self-Esteem

Do you know why most of us do not succeed in most of what we try to do? Is it lack of effort? A plan gone awry even with the best intentions, perhaps? Well, maybe. But know this, the main reason why we fail is because of our lack of BELIEVING in ourselves. We essentially hold ourselves back. What's holding us back? Fear and lack of self-esteem.

Look at yourself at the mirror and speak out loud of what you see. Do you really see yourself or a shadow of what you aspire to be? You are unique and special because there is no other like yourself. That can be good and bad you say but that is the plain old truth of it all. You lack the will and determination of pushing through your aspirations and endeavors for fear of two things, actually; failing and rejection. What do the most successful individuals in their respective fields have in common? They have failed so many times. They saw their failures as stepping stones or learning curves and they were not afraid to fail nor did they remain fallen for long.

Be proud of who you are. DO NOT MEASURE YOURSELF BY SOMEBODY ELSE'S STANDARDS. As long as you are happy the way you are there is absolutely no reason for you to change for anybody. Remember that acceptance is the first step to loving so if you feel that you don't exactly 'fit in', it's because you haven't yet met the crowd where you belong. Don't get me wrong here. Individuality has nothing to do with it. It's just that most people feel they need to belong to the 'in crowd' in order to be somebody and that is absolutely B.S. The only standards you need to live by are your own. Let me repeat that in case you haven't really absorbed what I just said; THE ONLY STANDARDS YOU NEED TO LIVE BY ARE YOUR OWN.

Well, as usual, here are some tips on overcoming low self-esteem;

1. Socialize more. When you have reached your level of comfort zone in interacting with other people you will eventually overcome your weaknesses.

2. Dress to impress but do not overdress. Don't look like you just got out of the sofa when you go out. Look the part and you will get noticed.

3. Maintain collectiveness and reservations in social gatherings. Don't talk too much or you'll be labeled as the 'insecure' one and are desperately vying for anyone and everyone's attention.

4. Speak with confidence. Don't mumble or stutter either. Choose your words carefully and speak plainly.

5. Learn to control your fears. There is no harm in trying. the greatest damage is knowing you can do it but really never had the guts to even begin. Don't let your apprehension hold you back. The world is out there and you need to be a part of it.

6. Give yourself enough credit. Commend yourself on deeds well done. Boosting your self- confidence will elevate your self-esteem.

7. Learn to relax. Nothing is as hard as what you make it out to be. It's all in your head. Think power thoughts and positive thoughts and positive energy will flow through you.

8. Stay away from negative people. Negativity only breeds negativity.

9. Do not stereotype other people because unknowingly you are simply comparing them to yourself.

10. Lastly, smile often. happy people are contented people. Set your goals and aim high but know this- sometimes in order to succeed you need to fall a couple of times. It's just life.

Well, I hope this helped you guys. I was once insecure and had a low self-esteem. If only I could only lock myself from the world. Boy was I wrong. Totally wrong. you don't want to spend the rest of your life running down through your "if only..." list, now do you? Until our next post. You guys take care.

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