Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How to Feel Better Now

Often times we find ourselves in a rut, when things aren't going as we hoped for or even planned for. We get depressed and resign ourselves to this state of helplessness. I can sit here and type away and ask you to do this and do that, consider this or that, but ultimately it really depends on you. One thing I can tell you though is that perspective and outlook goes a long way and depending on how you see and interpret events or situations in your life so will your plans of action and results change.

Feeling good about yourself requires a level of commitment on your part. I say this because there are certain aspects in your life that deserves your attention RIGHT NOW. They can be either your relationship with your spouse, your tendency to procrastinate, your need to lose more weight, it doesn't really matter. You will never feel content and complete unless you have arrived at a level where all areas in your life sync together or are in harmony.

Sometimes the question, rather than being the usual "where to begin?" or "when to begin?", becomes the sedentary and inconclusive "HOW to begin?" Really, how do we go about slowly changing key areas in our lives? Once we identify where we are lacking and finally coming around to figure out how we go about in changing these, the question then becomes HOW do we sustain these changes?

Take a moment to listen what your life is telling you. Where do you feel a need to connect? Where do you sense a feeling of urgency, a need to do something? You have to learn to listen to your inner instincts when even reason starts to not make sense to you anymore. Make small changes everyday and what better place to start than with you? Don't get bogged down by your frustrations on the things you aspire to have, or the goals you toil day in and day out for. Realize what's in front of you NOW and know that what you have now is as good as it gets. If you aim to make it better then do so, but KNOW that it is there. Let me give you an example. Sometimes we take the people we love for granted because we know no matter what happens they will always be there. Can you say the same for them? Do they feel the same? Learn to appreciate people for your connection with people in general defines who you are. Let me ask you this, which legacy would you prefer to leave behind: A wealthy man with very few friends or a self made man who didn't really have very much but is loved by so many people and is well thought of. The answer should be clear right. Or is it?

Prioritize what's important to you in life. Here are a few pointers you can do RIGHT NOW, RIGHT THIS MINUTE, to make you FEEL BETTER:

1. Call, text, or say to the one you love, " I love you honey. I know I don't say it often but know that I do, with all my heart."

2. If you did someone wrong go to him or her and say that you are sorry. Right now.

3. Go through the many stuff you left lying around in the garage for years and call the local Salvation Army and give it away. Just think a little boy somewhere would be so happy to get that dusty action figure you thought was worth some money as a collectible back in the day.

4. Do volunteer work once in a while.

5. Lose 1 pound this week if you are overweight. No one knows your body like you do and only you can set your limitations. Notice I didn't say try, I said lose the pound. It's time to stop trying and start doing. Meanwhile, go through your old clothes and look for your favorite pair of jeans, you know, the ones that USED TO fit. It won't be long before you'll wear them out-again.

6. Choose what you eat. Remember that you aren't getting any younger and those brisk walks that leave you gasping for breath or that stabbing pain you feel in your chest should tell you something. It should tell you that it's time you do something about your health.

7. Exercise when you can. Eat less when you can't exercise.

8. Practice Kindness.

9. Be humble at ALL TIMES.

10. Share your blessings, your time, and your ideals with people who needed a boost in life. Remember that not too long ago you were in that same spot too.

11. Pray. Understand and be at Peace.

Remember that it's also about attitude. If you fall don't stay down too long. Get up, dust yourself off and forge ahead, always ahead. Never quit on yourself. Never quit on the people who depend on you either. Until our next post..you guys take care of yourselves, hear? Thanks again for your time.

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