An old motorcycle racer once described to me what he called the fifth harmonic. I, of course, listened patiently eager to know what this fifth harmonic really is or if it's even real at all. He told me the first harmonic is the motorcycle itself, the second, the rider, the third the road, the fourth is a balance of the three. Well, I didn't know if this was a zen-to-anything so I asked him if the fourth was really the most important one since it pretty much sums up the three elements of you, your ride, and the road. So he says to me the fifth harmonic is your sense of focus, your intuition, your ability to read ahead and make changes accordingly BEFORE anything bad happens. It is this realm of finer tuning which some people call "maintaining the edge". As I was sitting there listening passively to this old timer reflecting back on days of yore it suddenly dawned on me that all his concepts of harmonics this and harmonics that is really LIFE in general.
So is achieving a deeper sense of focus the secret to harmonizing all aspects of your life? in a sense, yes. Absolutely. By honing your awareness you also hone your perception and in the process you can see the "bigger picture" and not just the big one. The question then becomes how do we focus more in our daily living? To say it plainly, how do we train ourselves to develop a keener sense of awareness? We ought to observe more and we ought to listen more, and I hate to say this, but we also have to train our memory. As we age so does our neurons and we can improve our memory by doing memory exercises. Crossword puzzles, sudoku,chess, and other memory enhancing games can greatly improve your memory.
Improving your focus in life, however, is more than just merely heightening your sense of awareness, your adeptness to listening, and even improving your memory. You need healthy relationships, a positive outlook, and an open mind. Peg the following in your mind:
"I am working to focus more to achieve stability and balance in my life."
Being able to focus and see what areas in your life is more deserving of your attention allows you to recognize ALL your options or choices in plain sight and enables you to see and gauge the situation more clearly and, therefore, act more appropriately. You'll develop a presence of mind that is indeed security. Your confidence level will go up and so will your self-esteem. You'll feel better about yourself because you are working towards harmonizing all aspects of your life. Your goals will be clearer and nearer. Your planning will take on a whole new level of precision and you will be more productive all in all.
All this is possible from being able to focus a little more and be observant. If I only knew and paid more attention then what that old geek with his trusty dusty motorcycle was really telling me I would have seen and appreciated the many choices and options I hadn't even noticed before in my life. Remember to start small. Work on one area at a time and, even at that, in increments. Drastic changes are hard to assimilate and harder to adapt to.
So until our next post. Focus more. Not just on your needs mind you, but also in the needs of others. Take care of yourselves...and one another. JowelMD signing off..
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