Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to ask a girl out

There comes a time in the life of every young man when the opposite sex becomes interesting. High school and college were indeed the days, don't you agree? Well, anyhow, this post is about how to approach the opposite sex ( not the same as asking a girl out to a date but it CAN certainly lead to that).

So let's say you are in your teens and is dying to talk to a girl you have had a long-time crush in. You are being teased by your friends as an instant failure should you even dare to approach the said girl. So there you are, practically a nervous wreck shacking in the knees every time she walks past you in the hallway after homeroom. Day in and day out you live in this fantasy of actually asking her out to a date. Sounds familiar? Well, truth be told that was how I was in high school. I was one of the "geeks" and no girl on her right mind would date a geek let alone be caught talking to one.

Well, all that changed when I learned how to finally ask a girl out. Here's some pointer's for you youngbucks;

1. Look your best and try to stay abreast with today's fashion statements. Nothing gets you more noticed than the way you look.

2. Get a haircut. If you are called "johnny 4-eyes" in your school consider wearing contacts.

3. Talk to her friends and get a general idea of what her preferences are or what she looks for in a guy. If you ask nicely you'll get truthful answers.

4. Behave accordingly. Don't do anything stupid or foolish to make her want to look the other way. Being cool doesn't mean being stupid.

5. Be yourself. Don't be "another" person just to blend in or gain attention. Nothing beats being genuine and true.

6. Make the first move. Approach her casually and don't rehearse your lines and end up saying something foolish or out of the blue ( exposing your nervousness). Try to look for something different or unique about her and comment on that. That usually breaks the ice. Don't resort to what I used to do ( slipping notes in her locker). It's always best to be direct.

7. Let her know you appreciate her and don't drop the bombs on flattery too much because you certainly would be overdoing it.

8. Ask her what her interests are but know them beforehand from her friends. That way you can comment wisely or may even have a common interest with her.

9. Make your first date memorable and special. Set the mood and find a special place. You don't have to be lavish, just a quiet place to talk and get to know each other better.

The funny thing about this post is that it's not what I normally write about in this blog. I read an article the other day about dating and it occurred to me that kids these days are way too liberal. There's a right and proper way to get to know someone and I may be old-school but I think it still starts on trust. It takes time to gain someone's trust. Well, I hope this helps all you young bloods out there. Oh yeah, one more thing, on your first date, don't wear your dad's cologne. Until the next post. take care y'all.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why we need to Connect

I was sitting on a bench one day, overlooking the Cove in La Jolla and I saw something rather interesting. A couple, probably in their mid 40's, walked by and they were arguing about something. I didn't really hear what the argument was about but what was interesting is either was listening to the other. They continually drove at their points not even considering what the other was saying or even want to, I think. Needless to say tensions rose and, obviously, they didn't look happy. In their case it wasn't miscommunication or lack of communication that ruined their moment ( hey, it was a gorgeous San Diego day that day), but rather, it was the refusal to communicate, to connect.

A healthy relationship fulfills a fundamental human need. How we relate or bond to family members, your spouse, your friends, your office mates, pretty much defines you. It is the social interaction that you partake in on a day to day basis which builds relationships. Why is it then that some people are just difficult to get along with, talk to, or even approach? Such difficulties can put strains in relationships and causing tensions eventually leading to gaps.

We need to connect with people. We need to build relationships, build on them, and nurture them. It is how connected we are that allows us to grow in many aspects. Being connected also defines how we see and respond to the world we live in. It is a fundamental need. How then do we establish healthy relationships in any given setting? Here are some helpful pointers:

1. Have an open mind. Remove all stereotypical notions you may be having. Don't be too judgmental and jump to conclusions.

2. Learn to break the ice. Sometimes when you start things going they open up to you.

3. Give people credit where credit is due. Let them know you appreciate them and what they do.

4. Give a little of yourself. Unselfish acts speaks volumes of your character.

5. Say what you mean and mean what you say. That way nothing is ever lost in translation or transition.

6. Learn to carry positive thoughts. Do away with ALL negativity. Your thoughts reflect your actions and your actions reflect the energies you emit. Positive thoughts harbor positive energy and positive energy nurtures relationships.

7. Learn to be patient with people. Allow them time to understand the points you tell them, don't drive it home to them.

8. Be more understanding and sensitive to other people's needs. Let them know you understand them and respect their differences and sensitivities. You will gain their trust in return.

9. Nurture your relationships. Make time for one another. Don't let the hubbub of everyday life deter you in having healthy relationships.

10. Love is everything. It is the key. Think about this one.

We need to connect because we need to grow. We need to feel wanted and that we feel like we belong. Without healthy relationships feeling remorse and alone is not healthy. Remember that depression has profound effects on your health. So take note of the list above and think about how you can improve upon your "connectivity" with pthers. Until the next post, you guys take care.

Friday, June 24, 2011

How to maintain Good Cholesterol levels

When we think of Cholesterol we immediately associate it to being something bad or something that will clog up our arteries and eventually cause a stroke or even a myocardial infarct. Well, truth be told is our body makes cholesterol as it is a key component in our cells, hormones, and some vitamins. Cholesterol then is essential for survival. It is the cholesterol that we take in from our diets from fats is the culprit especially when taken in excess and, itself, excessively stored in our adipose tissues as fat. How then can we maintain good cholesterol levels when almost all that tastes good is loaded with sugar and fat? Well, here are some helpful pointers:


Well, this goes without saying. Our body is like an engine whereby fuel taken in in the form of food is burned or metabolized by our billions of cells for energy and the waste products from this combustion is excreted respectively. What happens when we eat more than we burn? We become overweight. The heavier we get the harder it is for us to move and our metabolic rates decreases as well. This vicious cycle continuous until something gives and you become a candidate for the high risk groups for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other diseases. Eating in moderation is not deprivation. You still get to eat what you want but lesser servings. You need to be aware that what you put in you need to burn out, and that means our next topic, exercise.


Exercise to most people means weight loss. Losing weight is indeed a consequence of exercising but it is not the main reason why our bodies need exercise. We need to exercise in order to live longer. When our body sees more work, our cells burn more energy and to keep up with the increased demand our body's metabolic rate adjusts accordingly. Energy reserves in the form of fats stored in fat cells or adipose tissues are utilized. Some health pointers here, though- our body by way of how it preferentially metabolizes fuels and macro-nutrients uses protein before it uses fats. It's essential then that we replenish with protein after a strenuous workout. Remember that exercise is also a form of STRESS for our bodies. Another point to remember is that we lose tremendous amounts of water and trace elements when we exercise in the form of heat and from sweating. Rehydrate yourself.

3. Know your Cholesterol

Cholesterol and lipids in general have extensive roles in our body both anatomically and physiologically. They serve as key components for cell membranes as well as cellular components. Cholesterol is transported in our blood via protein carriers. Lipids once absorbed in the gut is brought over to our liver in the form of chylomicrons in order to be processed.It is when cholesterol is oxidized that it becomes dangerous. Nevertheless, our liver scavenges these oxidized cholesterol and repackage them. There are several players here and without getting into too much medical lingo know that there are 4 things you have to look out for; LDL-cholesterol, VLDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and your serum triglycerides.

4. Fiber, fiber, fiber

Why do we need fiber? Fiber adds bulk and it acts as a sponge while transiting in our digestive system, absorbing fats, harmful byproducts, and even toxins. You don't need to continually drink your fiber when it's so much better when it's eaten. Do you know that there is also good and bad fiber? Yes!! The best fiber to eat is unprocessed meaning found in fruits and vegetables. It's natural so it comes down easy. SO the take home point with fiber is it helps absorb cholesterol so you won't have to digest it.

5. Your Liver is the key

Maintain a healthy liver. It is the main processing plant in your body. Not only does it process the nutrients we eat but also pretty much everything we take by way of mouth including medication, alcohol, and others. Some bad habits which can damage your liver; excessive alcohol intake, smoking, eating fatty meals too much, and drugs( I mean the illegal kind). Defective liver function can be seen in liver function tests.

6. Anti-oxidize!!

Lessen the chance cholesterol gets oxidized in our bloodstream and ultimately eaten by our immune cells and deposit in our vessels by taking in anti-oxidants. Remember the anti-oxidant vitamins are vitamins A, K, D, and E. Eat yellow fruits high in beta-carotene, drink orange juice, lemon this and lemon that, and read up on some herbal which have good anti-oxidizing power.

7. Lifestyle

All I can say is lifestyle choices dictate how you look and feel. Stop smoking. Lose weight. Exercise more. Become an intelligent grocery store shopper. Don't skip meals. Know your basic food groups and your RDA's. Pray more. Learn to look at things in a positive light and harbor nothing but positive energy. Wow, that's a mouthful but it hits them all.

8. Your lab results are in

Ok, when your doctor reads you your lipid profile you would most like ask if it;'s good or bad. One advice I can give you is do your research on the routine lab requests they ask for in clinics and hospitals and don't be relieved if you fall under "borderline" because it takes just as much work to return to normal levels. Serum cholesterol is considered normal up to 200 mgs/dl, serum TG's( triglycerides) need to be below 180 mgs/dl, HDL-cholesterol is 30-60 mgs/dl , LDL-cholesterol is100-190 mgs/dl, Total/HDL ratio should be less than 4. Knowing these values help when you go to the hospital or clinic.

So there you have it. How to maintain good cholesterol. Until our next post, folks. You guys take care.

Change is a Good Thing Right?

We often do not understand what prompts us to change. We may call it a reaction towards a given stimuli whether it be one which elicits pain or one which has pleasing results; the bottom line is we either move towards or away. The same goes true for almost every aspect in our lives. We react and interact with stimuli on a daily basis whether they may be on a personal, social, or professional level. The underlying question here is actually twofold. What prompts us to change our lives can be asked as what prevents us from changing. So there's actually two sides to the coin here.

I had a friend once in college who used to have a hard time deciding on almost everything. His indecisiveness hindered him from becoming more of an outreaching, social type of person. he would sulk for a while and ask me what would I think if he does this or that or if he didn't do this or didn't do that. He could really get on our nerves at times because we would always retort back with the all too familiar, " Would you please make up your mind?!" There are actually several reasons to this argument of change and the following list pretty much isolates and defines them.

What MAKES us change:

1. Ambition, Drive, Goals, Dreams
2. Necessity
3. Prevention
4. Growth and Maturity
5. Reaction and Interaction
6. Love
7. Religion
8. Pain

What PREVENTS us from changing:

1. Fear
2. Insecurities
3. Lack of insight
4. Low self-esteem
5. Laziness
6. Hinderance
7. Selfishness

You see,all these factors interplay in our daily lives. We have to maintain a certain presence of mind and awareness in what actually drives us in basically all that we do. Perhaps, change is not a bad thing after all. As human beings we have the most adept ability to adapt to our surroundings and this includes all which stimulates us. It is how we respond to these given stimuli which defines us. I guess what I am alluding to is that we need to have a renewed perception on the many things, factors, and issues in our lives which have an impact on how we make choices. Having an open mind helps, as well. Until our next post, folks. You guys take care.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Choices You Make

Life is full of choices. If you really think about it, our daily lives are made from the choices we make. What we are and what we do is also due to what we choose. Well, let's go about it from a different angle; what if we choose NOT to make a choice. Simply put, we let life take us along for the ride, taking in the scenery and be dictated by what life throws at us. Well, THAT in itself is a choice too. We cannot simply resign ourselves to being victims of circumstance any longer. We can choose to stand up or choose to remain lying down.

But what is really eating us? What makes us indecisive to the point of anxiety? Why is it that when it comes to making BIG decisions in our lives we get knots in our stomachs. Well, the answer to that can be explained in one simple word-FEAR. We are afraid to make decisions because we are uncomfortable with venturing into the big unknown. We want to make choices based on clear outcomes. Contingency plans are not our forte because they are really just patch-and-repair modalities. Well, let's think about that for a moment.

You want to know what makes some of the most successful people excel in their respective fields? It's because THEY ARE NOT AFRAID TO MAKE CHOICES!! I am not saying we venture blindly into anything or trust our gut feelings in almost everything. What I am saying is let's open our minds and ourselves to possibilities. Let's not close ourselves to the advent of something altogether new for the sake of familiarity. We make intelligent decisions based on learning all that there is to know about the choices presented to us and their possible outcomes.

Make it a practice to try something new everyday so you won't be anchored too much on familiar grounds. We would rather do the same thing day in and day out because we are familiar and comfortable with the results as they are often unchanged. When we encounter something different or a setback from the norm we become unhinged and tense and seek a return to familiar territory again. This is good in some way but is quite limiting in nurturing our potentials. We can never really say we have to be all that we can be when we are simply not.

Learn to trust your feelings and intuitions. Don't second guess yourself in the choices you make. Forge ahead, bear down, and if for some reason things aren't going quite as planned or expected, well, tackle it head on. Don't ever take the easy way out but rather learn to IMPROVISE and ADAPT. Be fluid with your life. You will learn that you will be less tense and anxious that way. Remember that we make choices everyday and some of the choices we make aren't really for the best or aren't even beneficial for us. That, however, is a matter of making good or bad choices. Never plan ahead. Individuals who are control oriented want to see things through towards completion leaving little room for changes midway. Learn to deviate from this kind of mentality. Be at your best and do your best and you can never go wrong. Until our next post folks, you guys take care and THANKS again.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Health Power

Ever come to the point when it's as if you feel tired all the time? Has a little amount of work left you breathless? How's your weight? Your heart? Your vices if any? Well, I can go on and on with all of these related factors but the underlying issue here is maintaining and nurturing our bodies for optimal health. Often times, we want to tackle too many issues at the same time regarding our health but the key to any preventive measures is having the right mindset and a level of awareness of what you need to be doing to regain that vitality you have lost.

The first of any agenda are lifestyle changes. Eating to nurture our bodies and, most importantly, eating right. Go back to organic food. Do your research on what your 4-5 recommended daily servings of fruit actually does for you. Fruits and vegetables are "alive" foods as they are digested with their naturally available nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Lessen your intake of cooked "dead" foods like meats. By changing into this pattern of eating alone you'll feel nimble and light on your feet. Another added advantage of eating more of your greens is you purge your body by flushing away accumulated toxins and waste products.

The next on our list would be to gradually increase the amount of activity that we do. By doing so we increase our metabolic rate or our body's way of metabolizing nutrients for energy. As we progress we can increase our workload to include the added benefits of cardiovascular workouts. Losing weight is not what we target here but BECOMES A CONSEQUENCE of simply changing our habits and adapting into becoming more activity conscious. Remember, however, that the amount of work you can do can only be dictated by your doctor if you have heart disease, diabetes, or other degenerative disorders.

Thirdly we have to be more conscious of what we eat, when we eat, and how much. Moderation is the word of the day here. You can still eat that chocolate cake but only a couple of mouthfuls and not the whole slice. Don't punish yourself with complete deprivation because eating shouldn't be toilsome but fun. One fruit I happen to love in particular is the Papaya fruit. This fruit is worth it's weight in gold, mind you, and I am not just saying that. It has many health attributes actually and amongst these are it increases vitality, it promotes healing, it acts as an anti-ageing factor, it's anti-oxidant properties prevent cancer, it helps with indigestion, and it also acts as an immune booster. I love papaya, can you tell. Oh, and did you know that if you are suffering from GERD or reflux disease, a daily serving of this fruit not only helps in alleviating symptoms but promotes rapid healing? Well, it does that and more. More on this wonderful fruit. Until my next post. Take care guys.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Little Something Different

Hello guys. Sorry for the long absence. I know my blog is hardly read or if seen at all but I feel it's been a part of my life. It's an avenue by which I write about pertinent things, values, character, and almost anything important to our lives and health. I haven't really opened this blog for quite some time due to sickness but I feel I owe posting to it. If you've been doing something for quite some time it becomes part of you regardless of what you originally intended to do with it.

Ok, here's something different. I love cars. I think there's a certain romance and poetry in one's love affair with his or her set of wheels. I love cars with character, which means I love old cars. and I love them with a passion. My dream car? Well, it's hard to say because I have lots of dream cars ranging from a 5 window '32 Ford hot rod with a 429 shotgun or a 392 Hemi stuffed between the framerails, to the infamous 911 Carrera RSR and even the car with the most venomous bite, the Cobra 427 SC. But alas, as luck would have it, I am stuck with my ancient '93 Dakota with the magnum v8, and my "project car" for 20 years, my little Porsche 924. I love that car because it's light, nimble, and if set up right can run the slalom with respectable time.

As with many things I have passion doing, my little garage is, on some days, my mecca, tinkering away, disassembling this and that knowing full well I probably may not put it back together the way it was ever again. My point in all this, you ask? a lot of us immerse ourselves with work that when asked what our interests are we unroll the long list of " Well, I'd like to ....if I only have enough time." When we are passionate about something we immerse ourselves in our labors of love and this is one way to fight STRESS, by DIVERSION. Of course a lot of us may have different interests but it really doesn't matter. What matters is we nurture our creativity and at the same time we can share something unique that speaks volumes about ourselves.

I mean wouldn't you feel better if by chance you were in a car show and ran into someone who not only loves cars but is an anime fan like yourself? Wow! Take care guys, it's good to be back, typing away. Until my next post.

P.S.- I write poetry in my other blog.(",)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Stress and You

Stress is part of everyday living. We encounter stress at home, in the workplace, and even within ourselves. Coping with stress is often difficult because it is done so on a continual basis. In fact, it becomes a ritual. How we deal with stress affects the way we perform, the way we connect with people, and the way we think and feel about ourselves. So you see, stress is no laughing matter.

We register, interpret, and respond to our environments via our neural and hormonal pathways. A key role of our stress hormones is to prepare us for "fight or flight" responses; we either remove ourselves from a stimuli which can potentially harm us or deal with it. Either way our body is subjected to changes which prepares it for one or the other. A point to remember with stress is that it is often blown out of proportion. We allow ourselves to be stressed out. Stress, you see, is a risk factor for heart disease, ulcers, aging, and some degenerative diseases. We often complain about being stressed out at work or at home but we really don't have a full grasp of how it does us damage.

So the main question we have to continually ask ourselves is WHY. Why are we stressed out at even the most miniscule of worries? To understand the question in a different light we have to think in terms of cause-and-effect. When we allow ourselves to worry tirelessly we increase the level of oxidative damage to our cells and this in turn causes premature aging. Another way of looking at it is that people with type A personalities ( the "I want to be in control type") are prone to stress ulcers. The answer to the WHY is simply CONTROL. We are anxious when we don't get our lives and things "figured out". We are afraid of what we don't know, what we don't expect, and we are afraid to take risks.

How then do we manage the everyday stressors we encounter daily? We simply cannot ignore them or even pretend that they never happen. One way is to put a lesser emphasis on their perceived value and outcome. What I am trying to say here is worry less. Another way is to do stress relieving exercises like slow deep breaths or condition your mind to think of another matter altogether. Regardless which practice works for you the emphasis here is to divert yourself from being stressed out. There are a lot of things we can worry about but there are ONLY A HANDFUL of things we can have control over and the power to change. Anything that we have no power over is not worth the effort of worrying. Remember this, positive thoughts breed positive outcomes and positive outcomes create positive flows in your life.

A final word on managing stress is it's a form of lifestyle change. We have to change certain aspects of our lives and what I mean by this is dealing with stress is of a lesser impact compared to avoiding it altogether. Prevention is still key, even when regarding stress. So there you have it folks. Don't sweat the small stuff, because in the greater scheme of things it's actually all small stuff. Take care guys, thanks for dropping in. Until the next post, JowelMD signing out.