Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Choices You Make

Life is full of choices. If you really think about it, our daily lives are made from the choices we make. What we are and what we do is also due to what we choose. Well, let's go about it from a different angle; what if we choose NOT to make a choice. Simply put, we let life take us along for the ride, taking in the scenery and be dictated by what life throws at us. Well, THAT in itself is a choice too. We cannot simply resign ourselves to being victims of circumstance any longer. We can choose to stand up or choose to remain lying down.

But what is really eating us? What makes us indecisive to the point of anxiety? Why is it that when it comes to making BIG decisions in our lives we get knots in our stomachs. Well, the answer to that can be explained in one simple word-FEAR. We are afraid to make decisions because we are uncomfortable with venturing into the big unknown. We want to make choices based on clear outcomes. Contingency plans are not our forte because they are really just patch-and-repair modalities. Well, let's think about that for a moment.

You want to know what makes some of the most successful people excel in their respective fields? It's because THEY ARE NOT AFRAID TO MAKE CHOICES!! I am not saying we venture blindly into anything or trust our gut feelings in almost everything. What I am saying is let's open our minds and ourselves to possibilities. Let's not close ourselves to the advent of something altogether new for the sake of familiarity. We make intelligent decisions based on learning all that there is to know about the choices presented to us and their possible outcomes.

Make it a practice to try something new everyday so you won't be anchored too much on familiar grounds. We would rather do the same thing day in and day out because we are familiar and comfortable with the results as they are often unchanged. When we encounter something different or a setback from the norm we become unhinged and tense and seek a return to familiar territory again. This is good in some way but is quite limiting in nurturing our potentials. We can never really say we have to be all that we can be when we are simply not.

Learn to trust your feelings and intuitions. Don't second guess yourself in the choices you make. Forge ahead, bear down, and if for some reason things aren't going quite as planned or expected, well, tackle it head on. Don't ever take the easy way out but rather learn to IMPROVISE and ADAPT. Be fluid with your life. You will learn that you will be less tense and anxious that way. Remember that we make choices everyday and some of the choices we make aren't really for the best or aren't even beneficial for us. That, however, is a matter of making good or bad choices. Never plan ahead. Individuals who are control oriented want to see things through towards completion leaving little room for changes midway. Learn to deviate from this kind of mentality. Be at your best and do your best and you can never go wrong. Until our next post folks, you guys take care and THANKS again.

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