Friday, June 24, 2011

Change is a Good Thing Right?

We often do not understand what prompts us to change. We may call it a reaction towards a given stimuli whether it be one which elicits pain or one which has pleasing results; the bottom line is we either move towards or away. The same goes true for almost every aspect in our lives. We react and interact with stimuli on a daily basis whether they may be on a personal, social, or professional level. The underlying question here is actually twofold. What prompts us to change our lives can be asked as what prevents us from changing. So there's actually two sides to the coin here.

I had a friend once in college who used to have a hard time deciding on almost everything. His indecisiveness hindered him from becoming more of an outreaching, social type of person. he would sulk for a while and ask me what would I think if he does this or that or if he didn't do this or didn't do that. He could really get on our nerves at times because we would always retort back with the all too familiar, " Would you please make up your mind?!" There are actually several reasons to this argument of change and the following list pretty much isolates and defines them.

What MAKES us change:

1. Ambition, Drive, Goals, Dreams
2. Necessity
3. Prevention
4. Growth and Maturity
5. Reaction and Interaction
6. Love
7. Religion
8. Pain

What PREVENTS us from changing:

1. Fear
2. Insecurities
3. Lack of insight
4. Low self-esteem
5. Laziness
6. Hinderance
7. Selfishness

You see,all these factors interplay in our daily lives. We have to maintain a certain presence of mind and awareness in what actually drives us in basically all that we do. Perhaps, change is not a bad thing after all. As human beings we have the most adept ability to adapt to our surroundings and this includes all which stimulates us. It is how we respond to these given stimuli which defines us. I guess what I am alluding to is that we need to have a renewed perception on the many things, factors, and issues in our lives which have an impact on how we make choices. Having an open mind helps, as well. Until our next post, folks. You guys take care.

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