Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dreamers in Dreamland

Do you remember how it feels like to dream? To forget the moment and ponder on the possibilities, the "what if's"? A lot of us lose our sense of adventure as we are stuck with our lives.With this we also lose the power of dreams. Of course we still hold on to our little wish list followed by "someday...". The truth is we only have a vague idea of the power of dreams. You see in dreaming we project a subconscious desire for something, a yearning if you will. We suppress this for fear of losing the reality we have come to accept. As I mentioned in one my previous posts there is comfort in staying within our set boundaries, our states of conditions. We are afraid to pursue the dreams that we often keep to ourselves for fear of failing. That and being ridiculed. So we go on dreaming, wishing for something new, hoping against all hope that somehow we will find that elusive pot of gold at the end of some rainbow.

Have you ever stopped to imagine that the world we live in today with technologies abound, in the name of making our lives easier, started as ideas, as dreams pursued by mavericks. Yes, that is the truth. People you have read about and heard of were once ridiculed for their "silly" ideas but imagine how our world would be like if  Henry Ford hadn't mass produced automobiles and made them available for the working man or if Jonas Salk hadn't discovered the polio vaccine in Medicine.Imagine if these people hadn't dreamt of a better world, where would we be now? Plan,plan,plan. Make note of each step and the mini-steps (if any) contained in each and write them down. Set realistic goals towards each step in terms of their completion as well as the time frame by which you set. Don't be too hard on yourself. You can only do so much at any given one time. Be resourceful and give a helping hand once in a while to someone in need. You'll never know what they can offer you in your quest.

Keep your dreams alive by making each day a step towards their realization. Make small steps each day. Don't give up in the face of adversary and difficulty. Make small steps and plan them wisely. Nothing ever worth attaining in this life can be had in a day's time. It takes time to work at what you aspire to have or to be. Give yourself a boost when necessary and do away with negativity. In the same regard stay away from negative individuals.Associate yourself with people who you know have a positive contribution to your aspirations. Always forge ahead. Never slow down and if you have to that is only to rethink your strategies, to reformulate your plan. Lastly, always practice humility. Give people credit where and when credit is due. Give more of yourself and be unselfish with your qualities and talents. When you invest in people you get a whole lot back. Practice kindness and try to be more understanding of other people's feelings. Remember that they are individuals too. If you develop this character and acquire the needed mindset then your dreams will be realities. In the process, feel good about yourself and feel better today. Others will too. Until our next post...take care of yourselves and keep your dreams alive. Don't waste this life of which you have only one. Thank you.

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