Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Finding Your Own Truths

I should point out to you that no one understands you better than you do. In the same regard, no one misunderstands you better than you. We often take a lot of things about ourselves for granted, to the point that if someone were to complement us in a way we tend to be taken back or even surprised. Nothing in life is ever simple. A lot of things happen to us which we take for no more than mere experiences or trials. We tend to not associate any value with these because of the pain or uneasiness associated with such hard times. The fact is times such as these are learning experiences for us; a time to grow, to evolve, to be better. There are two things which must be undermined during trials and hardships and, as before, the root of these can be laid out in the open by asking ourselves two questions: "What am I doing wrong?" and "What could I have done differently?"

Finding your own truths is about self-discovery. It's a state of reawakening, a redirection of your life energies towards more positive and warmer flows. Uncover what makes you weak and respect your weaknesses as you do your strengths.We are not created equally because we are not made to feel the same during trying times. What I mean by that is we interpret the world based on our experiences of it. Our sense of awareness encompasses only that which we understand and beyond that we tend to get uneasy and wary of the unknown and uncertain. Finding your own truths is about self-discovery; about self-realization and understanding. It's about rebirth and contentment.
So what do you need to do? Well, to be perfectly honest with you, we hold in ourselves the answers to most of the questions we seek answers to.All I can do for you is lay out a layout, game plan, a preliminary sketch , if you will, on how to map out key areas in your life.For simplicity's sake we will talk of 4 key areas in your life, all of which has a focal point. That focal point is you. Here they are:
1. My Relationships with my family, my co-workers, my friends and colleagues.

2. My Aspirations, Hopes, Future plans, and Needs.
3. My Perspective on the world in general and key Issues which, ultimately, will have a profound effect in my life.

4. Where do I see Myself in all these or, more importantly, How do I see Myself in these?

 Find yourself some time and a quiet place to reflect on the 4 areas above. Write down your thoughts and questions and your take on possible solutions. Be realistic and be honest. Go back to the fundamentals and don't go to far ahead of yourself. Deal with the issues that affects you in the Now. Remember that the future has no real value for you if you fail to address today, the here, the now. For example, the second area above deals with your Aspirations, Hopes, Future Plans, as well as Needs. Don't go asking yourself the worn out questions of "Where do I see myself 5 years from now?" when you don't even know what the present time holds for you. Think of solutions which offer IMMEDIATE results. You need to patch things up with someone? By all means talk to that person and put some closure on whatever issue or issues which created some tension in your relationship. 

So there you have it. Be honest with the questions you ask yourself. Be realistic with them and be honest with your answers. Until our next post then....

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